OK, I'm still having a bit of trouble grasping what I need to do for this.  I *do* 
understand that DOM isn't to be used to populate my struct variables, but rather I 
should just use form.fieldName.  My problem is, I have all of the code for this form 
in one document, and different parts of the document are displayed depending on what 
page of the form the user is on (as you will see in the code below, this is determined 
by the value of a URL parameter).  But what I need to do, but can't figure out how to, 
is maintain the values for the fields that the user selects as the navigate between 
the pages (and I especially need to be able to check the values of certain fields at 
certain points, because whether or not certain fields are enabled/disabled needs to be 
determined by the state of other fields), and I can't seem to be able to figure out 
how to do this.  I'm including the code for this document below.  If anybody has any 
recommendations, they are welcomed.  Thanks in advance!
 for the assistance.


======= BEGIN DOCUMENT =======
<!--- Set the total number of pages for the application --->
<cfSet pages = 4>

<!--- Check to see if a new package structure (newPkg) has bee created --->
<!--- If it has not yet been created (if it doesn't exist), create one --->
<!--- Then establish all of the item variables for each page --->
<cfif not isDefined ("newPkg")>
        <cfSet newPkg = StructNew()>
        <cfSet newPkg.page = "">

        <!--- Establish variables for first page --->
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrFName = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrMI = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrLName = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrOrg = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrOffSym = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrPhoneNumber = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.progMgrPhoneExt = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.programTitle = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.months = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.dollarAmount = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerFName = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerMI = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerLName = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerOrg = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerOffSym = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerPhoneNumber = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerPhoneExt = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.buyerEmail = "">

        <!--- Establish variables for second page --->
        <cfSet newPkg.basicResearch = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.expDev = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.advDev = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.engDev = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.mfgTech = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.costContract = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.universityInvolved = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.sbirPhase2 = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.phasedDev = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.formalReviews = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.studyProgram = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.sensitiveData = "">

        <!--- Establish variables for third page --->
        <cfSet newPkg.useCOTS = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.modifyCOTS = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.acceptingItems = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.testingInvolved = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.potentialHazards = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.drawingsNeeded = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.modifyingAircraft = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.hardware = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.basicMaterials = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.computerHardware = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.computerSoftware = "">

        <!--- Establish variables for fourth page --->
        <cfSet newPkg.conceptualDrawings = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.developmentalDrawings = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.productionDrawings = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.commercialDrawings = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.chemicals = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.lasers = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.nuclear = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.propellants = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.otherHazards = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.acFlightTesting = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.missileFlightTesting = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.usingAFFuel = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.testingBasicMaterials = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.testingComputerHardware = "">
        <cfSet newPkg.testingComputerSoftware = "">

<!--- Check to ensure that a page number has been specified for the request --->
<!--- If one has not been specified, default to page 1 --->
<cfif NOT StructKeyExists(URL, "page")>
        <cfSet newPkg.page = 1>
        <cfLocation URL="buildPackage.cfm?page=1" addToken="No">

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<title><cfOutput>#appName# #version_number#</cfOutput> :: [Program Information]</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style/dids.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/dids.js"></script>

<form id="newPackage" name="newPackage">

<cfswitch expression=#URL.page#>

<cfcase value="1">
        <td colspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="10" width="1" /></td>
        <td colspan="2" align="center" class="build_package_title">Page 1: Program 
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr width="95%" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="5" class="form_section_header"><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Program Manager:</td>
                <td align="right" rowspan="9"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="177" 
width="1" style="border: 1px solid gray" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;First Name</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="prog_mgr_fname" name="prog_mgr_fname" 
class="form_field" style="width: 100px" onfocus="showTip('Program Managers First 
Name', 'Enter the first name of the program manager for this package')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers First Name', 'Enter the first name of the 
program manager for this package')" />
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;MI</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="prog_mgr_mi" name="prog_mgr_mi" 
class="form_field" style="width: 20px" onfocus="showTip('Program Managers Middle 
Initial', 'Enter the middle initial of the program manager for this package')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers Middle Initial', 'Enter the middle initial of 
the program manager for this package')" />
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Last Name</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="prog_mgr_lname" name="prog_mgr_lname" 
class="form_field" style="width: 120px" onfocus="showTip('Program Managers Last Name', 
'Enter the last name of the program manager for this package')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers Last Name', 'Enter the last name of the program 
manager for this package')" />
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Org</span><br />
                <select id="prog_mgr_org" name="prog_mgr_org" class="form_field" 
style="height: 19px; width: 100px" onfocus="showTip('Program Managers Organization', 
'Enter the organization of the program manager for this package')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers Organization', 'Enter the organization of the 
program manager for this package')">
                    <option selected value="#">Org</option>
                <td colspan="2">
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Office Symbol</span><br />
                <select id="prog_mgr_offsym" name="prog_mgr_offsym" class="form_field" 
style="height: 19px; width: 145px" onfocus="showTip('Program Managers Office Symbol', 
'Enter the office symbol of the program manager for this package (if applicable)')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers Office Symbol', 'Enter the office symbol of the 
program manager for this package (if applicable)')">
                    <option selected value="#">Office Symbol</option>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td colspan="2">
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Phone Number</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="prog_mgr_phonenumber" 
name="prog_mgr_phonenumber" class="form_field" style="width: 124px" 
onfocus="showTip('Program Managers Phone Number', 'Enter the phone number of the 
program manager for this package (###-###-####)')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to 
help you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers 
Phone Number', 'Enter the phone number of the program manager for this package 
(###-###-####)')" />
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Ext.</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="prog_mgr_ext" name="prog_mgr_ext" 
class="form_field" style="width: 60px" onfocus="showTip('Program Managers Extension', 
'Enter the phone extension of the program manager for this package')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Program Managers Extension', 'Enter the phone extension of the 
program manager for this package')" />
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td colspan="3">
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Program Title</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="program_title" name="program_title" 
class="form_field" style="width: 250px" onfocus="showTip('Program Title', 'Enter the 
program title as an identifier for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to 
help you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Program Title', 
'Enter the program title as an identifier for this package')" />
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="3" class="form_section_header"><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" />Program Information:</td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td class="field_label">Program Length (technical effort):</td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td class="field_label">Months: <input type="text" id="months" 
name="months" class="form_field" style="width: 70px" onfocus="showTip('Program 
Length', 'You must enter the number of months of technical effort allocated for this 
program')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your 
package')" onmouseover="showTip('Program Length', 'You must enter the number of months 
of technical effort allocated for this program')" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td class="field_label">Dollar Amount</td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td class="field_label">&#36; <input type="text" id="dollar_amount" 
name="dollar_amount" class="form_field" style="width: 180px" onfocus="showTip('Program 
Value', 'You must enter the dollar value of your program, or your anticipated funding 
(do not enter a dollar sign ($), a comma (,), or a dot (.), only enter the number of 
the dollar amount)')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create 
your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Program Value', 'You must enter the dollar value 
of your program, or your anticipated funding (do not enter a dollar sign ($), a comma 
(,), or a dot (.), only enter the number of the dollar amount)')" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr width="95%" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="5" class="form_section_header"><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Buyer Information:</td>
                <td align="right" rowspan="9"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="177" 
width="1" style="border: 1px solid gray" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;First Name</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="buyer_fname" name="buyer_fname" 
class="form_field" style="width: 100px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers First Name', 'Enter 
the first name of the buyer for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help 
you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Buyers First Name', 
'Enter the first name of the buyer for this package')" />
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;MI</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="buyer_mi" name="buyer_mi" class="form_field" 
style="width: 20px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers Middle Initial', 'Enter the middle 
initial of the buyer for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you 
successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Buyers Middle Initial', 
'Enter the middle initial of the buyer for this package')" />
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Last Name</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="buyer_lname" name="buyer_lname" 
class="form_field" style="width: 120px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers Last Name', 'Enter 
the last name of the buyer for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help 
you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Buyers Last Name', 
'Enter the last name of the buyer for this package')" />
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Org</span><br />
                <select id="buyer_org" name="buyer_org" class="form_field" 
style="height: 19px; width: 100px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers Organization', 'Enter the 
organization of the buyer for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help 
you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Buyers Organization', 
'Enter the organization of the buyer for this package')">
                    <option selected value="#">Org</option>
                <td colspan="2">
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Office Symbol</span><br />
                <select id="buyer_offsym" name="buyer_offsym" class="form_field" 
style="height: 19px; width: 145px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers Office Symbol', 'Enter the 
office symbol of the buyer for this package (if applicable)')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 
'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Buyers 
Office Symbol', 'Enter the office symbol of the buyer for this package (if 
                    <option selected value="#">Office Symbol</option>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td colspan="2">
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Phone Number</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="buyer_phonenumber" name="buyer_phonenumber" 
class="form_field" style="width: 124px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers Phone Number', 'Enter 
the phone number of the buyer for this package (###-###-####)')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Buyers Phone Number', 'Enter the phone number of the buyer for 
this package (###-###-####)')" />
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;Ext.</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="buyer_ext" name="buyer_ext" class="form_field" 
style="width: 60px" onfocus="showTip('Buyers Extension', 'Enter the phone extension of 
the buyer for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully 
create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Buyers Extension', 'Enter the phone 
extension of the buyer for this package')" />
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="25" /></td>
                <td colspan="3">
                <span class="field_label">&nbsp;E-mail Address</span><br />
                <input type="text" id="buyer_email" name="buyer_email" 
class="form_field" style="width: 250px" onfocus="showTip('Program Title', 'Enter the 
program title as an identifier for this package')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to 
help you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Program Title', 
'Enter the program title as an identifier for this package')" />
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="42" width="10" 
/><img src="images/tips.gif" height="32" width="65" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="30" /></td>
                <td><input type="text" id="tip_title" name="tip_title" 
class="tip_title" style="width: 255px" value="Tips" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="30" /></td>
                <td><textarea id="tip_text" name="tip_text" class="tip_text" cols="45" 
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr width="95%" /></td>
        <td colspan="2">
        <table style="border: 0">
                        <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="315" /></td>
                        <a href="buildPackage.cfm?page=2"><td class="nav" 
onmouseover="hover(this, 'nav_hover')" onmouseout="hover(this, 'nav')" 
onclick="window.location.href='buildPackage.cfm?page=2'"><font style="font-size: 11pt; 
font-weight: bold"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Page 
2&nbsp;&gt;&gt;<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" /></font></td></a>
                        <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="95" /></td>
                        <a href="consultationMenu.cfm"><td class="nav" 
onmouseover="hover(this, 'nav_hover')" onmouseout="hover(this, 'nav')" 
onclick="window.location.href='consultationMenu.cfm'"><font style="font-size: 11pt; 
color: red; font-weight: bold"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" 
/>Exit<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" /></font></td></a>
        <td colspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="10" width="1" /></td>

<cfcase value="2">
        <td colspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="10" width="1" /></td>
        <td colspan="2" align="center" class="build_package_title">Page 2: Contract 
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr width="95%" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="3" class="form_section_header"><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Program Funding Elements (check all 
that apply):<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td align="right" rowspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="135" 
width="1" style="border: 1px solid gray" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="20" /></td>
                <td valign="top">
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Basic Research', 'This 
indicates whether you are spending 6.1 money on this effort')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 
'Hints to help you successfully create your package')"  onmouseover="showTip('Basic 
Research', 'This indicates whether you are spending 6.1 money on this effort')"><input 
type="checkbox" id="basic_research" name="basic_research" /><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Basic Research - 6.1:</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Exploratory Development', 
'This indicates whether you are spending 6.2 money on this effort')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Exploratory Development', 'This indicates whether you are 
spending 6.2 money on this effort')"><input type="checkbox" 
id="exploratory_development" name="exploratory_development" /><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Exploratory Development - 6.2:</span><br 
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Advanced Development', 'This 
indicates whether you are spending 6.3 money on this effort')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 
'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Advanced 
Development', 'This indicates whether you are spending 6.3 money on this 
effort')"><input type="checkbox" id="advanced_development" name="advanced_development" 
/><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Advanced Development - 
6.3:</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Engineering Development', 
'This indicates whether you are spending 6.4 money on this effort')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Engineering Development', 'This indicates whether you are 
spending 6.4 money on this effort')"><input type="checkbox" 
id="engineering_development" name="engineering_development" /><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Engineering Development - 6.4:</span><br 
                <br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Menufacturing Technology', 
'This indicates whether you are spending 7.8 money on this effort')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Manufacturing Technology', 'This indicates whether you are 
spending 7.8 money on this effort')"><input type="checkbox" 
id="manufacturing_technology" name="manufacturing_technology" /><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Manufacturing Technology - 7.8:</span>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="2" class="form_section_header"><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Contract Information (check all that 
apply):<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="10" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="20" /></td>
                <td valign="top">
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Cost Contract', 'This term is 
used to indicate whether this contract will be a cost plus fixed fee, cost 
reimbursement, cost share, cost plus incentive fee, or cost plus award fee type of 
contract.  Answering YES to this question means that your contract cannot be any type 
of fixed price contract')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully 
create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('Cost Contract', 'This term is used to 
indicate whether this contract will be a cost plus fixed fee, cost reimbursement, cost 
share, cost plus incentive fee, or cost plus award fee type of contract.  Answering 
YES to this question means that your contract cannot be any type of fixed price 
contract')"><input type="checkbox" id="cost_contract" name="cost_contract" /><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Is this a cost contract?</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('University Involvement', 
'This indicates whether a university will be receiving this contract.  If a university 
is awarded the contract, there is a difference in the cost reports that the system 
will select for your program')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you 
successfully create your package')" onmouseover="showTip('University Involvement', 
'This indicates whether a university will be receiving this contract.  If a university 
is awarded the contract, there is a difference in the cost reports that the system 
will select for your program')"><input type="checkbox" id="university" 
name="university" /><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Is a university 
involved?</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('SBIR Phase II', 'SBIR means 
Small Business Innovation Research program.  Phase II SBIRs require that you order a 
Commercialization Report.  One copy of this report must be sent to your SBIR program 
manager.')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your 
package')" onmouseover="showTip('SBIR Phase II', 'SBIR means Small Business Innovation 
Research program.  Phase II SBIRs require that you order a Commercialization Report.  
One copy of this report must be sent to your SBIR program manager.')"><input 
type="checkbox" id="sbir_phase2" name="sbir_phase2" /><img src="images/blank.gif" 
height="1" width="3" />Is this a SBIR Phase II?</span><br />
        <td colspan="2" align="center"><hr width="95%" /></td>
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
                <td colspan="3" class="form_section_header"><img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Program Attributes:<img 
src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="174" /></td>
                <td align="right" rowspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="135" 
width="1" style="border: 1px solid gray" /></td>
                <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" /></td>
                <td valign="top">
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Phased Development', 'This 
term is used to indicate whether or not there are structured phases in this effort.  
In a program with formally structured phases, the program could be cancelled at the 
end of any phase if the work is not proceeding as predicted or desired.')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Phased Development', 'This term is used to indicate whether or 
not there are structured phases in this effort.  In a program with formally structured 
phases, the program could be cancelled at the end of any phase if the work is not 
proceeding as predicted or desired.')"><input type="checkbox" id="phased_development" 
name="phased_development" /><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Phased 
Development?</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Formal Reviews', 'This term 
is used to indicate that you have a requirement for formal program/contract reviews 
such as Preliminary Design Review, Critical Design Review, Quarterly briefings, 
etc.')" onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Formal Reviews', 'This term is used to indicate that you have a 
requirement for formal program/contract reviews such as Preliminary Design Review, 
Critical Design Review, Quarterly briefings, etc.')"><input type="checkbox" 
id="formal_reviews" name="formal_reviews" /><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" 
width="3" />Formal Reviews?</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Study Program', 'This term is 
used to indicate that the only product from this contract will be a paper study.')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Study Program', 'This term is used to indicate that the only 
product from this contract will be a paper study.')"><input type="checkbox" 
id="study_program" name="study_program" /><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" 
width="3" />Study Program?</span><br />
                <span class="checkbox" onfocus="showTip('Sensitive Data', 'This term 
is used to indicate that your program will contain unclassified data that is 
considered sensitive since it is included in a classified program.')" 
onblur="showTip('Tips', 'Hints to help you successfully create your package')" 
onmouseover="showTip('Sensitive Data', 'This term is used to indicate that your 
program will contain unclassified data that is considered sensitive since it is 
included in a classified program.')"><input type="checkbox" id="sensitive_data" 
name="sensitive_data" /><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="3" />Sensitive 
Data?</span><br />
        <td valign="top">
        <table style="border: 0">
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/><img src="images/tips.gif" height="32" width="65" /></td>
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class="tip_title" style="width: 255px" value="Tips" /></td>
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onmouseover="hover(this, 'nav_hover')" onmouseout="hover(this, 'nav')" 
onclick="window.location.href='buildPackage.cfm?page=1'"><font style="font-size: 11pt; 
font-weight: bold"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" 
/>&lt;&lt;&nbsp;Page 1<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" 
                        <td><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="43" /></td>
                        <a href="buildPackage.cfm?page=3"><td class="nav" 
onmouseover="hover(this, 'nav_hover')" onmouseout="hover(this, 'nav')" 
onclick="window.location.href='buildPackage.cfm?page=3'"><font style="font-size: 11pt; 
font-weight: bold"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" />Page 
3&nbsp;&gt;&gt;<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" /></font></td></a>
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                        <a href="consultationMenu.cfm"><td class="nav" 
onmouseover="hover(this, 'nav_hover')" onmouseout="hover(this, 'nav')" 
onclick="window.location.href='consultationMenu.cfm'"><font style="font-size: 11pt; 
color: red; font-weight: bold"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" 
/>Exit<img src="images/blank.gif" height="1" width="15" /></font></td></a>
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<cfcase value="3">
        <td colspan="2"><img src="images/blank.gif" height="10" width="1" /></td>
        <td colspan="2" align="center" class="build_package_title">Page 3: 
Miscellaneous Information</td>
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        <table style="border: 0">

      <<<Additional text truncated.>>>
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