For what it's worth, the BlueDragon sections of New Atlanta's web site,
starting with the following URL, are all running on BlueDragon/J2EE on
top of ServletExec:

The rest of the web site, which is all JSP pages, is (of course) running
on ServletExec, and all database access is via JTurbo, our JDBC driver
for Microsoft SQL Server (yes, we believe in "eating our own dog food").
The site is running on Windows 2000 with Microsoft IIS 5.0.

You might be interested in what we've done to get a common look-and-feel
across CFML and JSP pages. Because the site was originally developed
entirely in JSP, the headers, footers, and other common elements are
implemented as JSP page fragments and included via standard
<jsp:include/> tags. For the CFML pages, we've modified CFINCLUDE to
take an optional PAGE attribute, which allows us to include JSP pages
within CFML:

    <CFINCLUDE PAGE="/templates/footer.jsp">

This enhancement to CFINCLUDE will be part of the BlueDragon 3.0.1
service pack we're preparing for release within the next two weeks. (Of
course, you'll still be able to use CFINCLUDE with the TEMPLATE
attribute for CFML pages). We've also implemented a CFFORWARD tag that
will be included in the service pack:

    <CFFORWARD PAGE="/nextPage.jsp">

CFINCLUDE with the PAGE attribute and CFFORWARD work exactly the same as
using the GetPageContext().include() and GetPageContext().forward()
functions in CFMX. We thought implementing them as CFML tags was a
little more intuitive and easier to use.

Finally, for those who know about and are interested in such things, New
Atlanta's web site is built using Struts; BlueDragon allows CFML pages
to participate very nicely as the presentation layer of a Struts-based
web application. (I'm trying to get the engineer who implemented it to
write a white paper on this; if I'm successful we'll post the white
paper on our web site).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Liotta [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
> Sent: Monday, October 14, 2002 2:55 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: BlueDragon (was RE: How is CFMX J2EE implemented?)
> I thought I would change the subject to better reflect the 
> topic of this thread.
> Joe asks...
> > Has anybody deployed any CF applications on Blue Dragon..
> > How are they working? Any issues?
> I've played with BlueDragon only enough to know that is does 
> work. We are currently in the process of removing CFMX 
> dependencies from our product suite (BlueDragon is meant to 
> be compatible with CF 5; not MX). Once that work is complete 
> we will begin work on making our product suite available on 
> BlueDragon and then I can report better on how well it works.
> Matt Liotta
> President & CEO
> Montara Software, Inc.
> 888-408-0900 x901

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