I got this partially resolved... Sean helped out.. Thanks Sean.
It was a classpath problem. However after i load the
drivers(macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver) which is in the "lib" directory
of your installation(eg. "G:\CFusionMX\lib\macromedia_drivers.jar") and give
it the
connection url..
Connection con =

I get an Exception..
"macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver$InvalidLicenseException: An Enterprise
is needed to use the Macromedia JDBC Drivers on the DB2, Oracle, Sybase and
rmix servers."

I am running CFMX Enterprise version(6,0,0,48097).  I have the same
connection working
fine in JSP Pages under CFMX.
Are CFMX Enterprise drivers protected from usage in Java
Anybody from MM Product Team can explain this?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joe Eugene [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 4:11 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Java in CF (CFMX) - MM Drivers
> I can use the CFMX MM DB drivers in a JSP page..No problem.
> however.. i need
> to use it in a Java Application..tried to load the Driver..
> Class.forName("macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver")
> Keep getting ClassNotFound Error..
> I put the macromedia_driver.jar in the class path.. still not
> loading.. Do i
> need to import something? What am i missing?
> Joe
> PS:Old Thread.
> I am just catching up on this Thread..
> Isnt the idea to comply with J2EE Architecture?
> Model-View-Controller model
> etc.. Why would some want to write in-line Java..?
> Anyways...
> On Fri, 22 Nov 2002 09:09:16 -0500 Phil Costa
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The decision to disallow inline java code was
> > definitely not a cut and dry one. One reason
> > was definitely to enforce a cleaner separation
> > of syntax; the other, which I hadn't mentioned,
> > was to remove some additional complexity from
> > the parsing/compiling process. Because of the
> > differences between typing and syntax, parsing
> > a page that had both Java and CFML/CFScript
> > would have been a bear.
> >
> > Phil
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jon Hall [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> > Sent: Friday, November 22, 2002 2:37 AM
> > To: CF-Talk
> > Subject: Re: Java in CF (CFMX)
> >
> >
> > Thursday, November 21, 2002, 11:54:58 PM, you
> > wrote:
> >
> > MT> Jon Hall wrote:
> > >> The case for allowing inline Java is simple,
> > CF developers can use
> > >> Java without having to know everything about
> > Java. Methods and
> > >> classes are easy to get. Compiling,
> > classpath's, and understanding
> > >> the lengths Java goes to, to abstract
> > everything, etc. is not.
> >
> > MT> Knowing just a little about a language as
> > deep/complex as Java can
> > MT> be "dangerous" in a number of ways...
> >
> > MT> It's very easy to run into errors in java
> > if you don't understand
> > MT> how it all works (ex. trying to instantiate
> > an interface).  One of
> > MT> the overriding strengths of CF is that it
> > offers a great deal of
> > MT> power in an easy to use/learn style.  This
> > sort of thing, IMO, goes
> > MT> against that strength.
> >
> > MT> Mixing CFML and Java can very quickly lead
> > to code that is horribly
> > MT> organized and difficult to follow/maintain.
> >  Obviously, anal coders
> > MT> will keep things nice and neat, but others
> > will be mashing CFML,
> > MT> CFScript, Java, and SQL together
> > haphazardly.
> >
> > MT> Then there's the compatibility thing...
> > Java lists != CF lists.
> > MT> Java arrays != CF arrays.  Etc.  Again,
> > this can lead to confusion
> > MT> and cause all kinds of errors.
> >
> > I say let the coders (and the pm's who have a
> > clue ) who write the applications make the
> > decision on what works in their application.
> > I'm not trying to be facetious, but be brutally
> > honest, I couldn't care less that anyone else
> > thinks my hypothetical hybrid Java/CF code is
> > unorganized or difficult to maintain, as long
> > as those that it matters to, like my boss and
> > clients don't care either. So I don't see how
> > the fear of some overwhelming horde of
> > organized code existing somewhere out there,
> > just over the horizon, really is a valid
> > argument against allowing inline Java within CF
> > templates.
> >
> > >> CFQuery is the perfect example here. If CF
> > gives developers the power
> > >> to do whatever they want within cfquery
> > tags, then why not java
> > >> within cfjava tags? Seems's inconsistent to
> > me. Especially since
> > >> cfquery probably the biggest strength of the
> > CF language.
> >
> > MT> SQL and CFML serve 2 different purposes,
> > database manipulation and
> > MT> application logic.  Java and CFML serve the
> > same purpose,
> > MT> application logic.
> >
> > That's not entirely true. TSQL and probably
> > PLSQL work fine within cfquery tags. Terrible
> > as it may sound, if I want to loop over a
> > cfquery that manipulates a cursor I can.
> >
> > I'm not saying there are not valid reasons for
> > disallowing inline Java, I'm just saying that
> > limiting the flexibility of CF just because of
> > the possibility that nasty code may come into
> > existence is not a good enough reason in my
> > opinion, but it's the only one that's been put
> > forward by both you and Phil. I also don't want
> > to start yet another debate about what's good
> > and bad for CF, but as you said earlier, I am
> > curious as well. Though I suspect it's similar
> > reasoning behind not allowing cfscript to call
> > tags in the past (not that I ever got the
> > reasoning behind that either).
> >
> > --
> > jon
> > mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> >
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