At 08:32 AM 12/13/2002, you wrote:
>Keep in mind that a CF based authentication system is only checked against
>if the user hits a CFM page. That's fine for certain types of projects, but
>not for actual file security. So if you have a directory of images in the
>"secure" area, a person could link directly to an image and bypass the login
>altogether because a .gif doesn't reference the Application.cfm first.

If you are concerned about securing non-ColdFusion files you can still use 
CF to secure them by using a CF page as a gateway.

For example, put all of your images in a folder that is not within the 
wwwroot and request them like this:

<img src="getImage.cfm?imagePath=storeFront/header.gif">

And then in the CFM use CFCONTENT to send back the image.  Works equally 
well with PDF, Word, Excel, etc. files.

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