> VB developers who were abandoned? I felt no more abandoned by .NET
> I did with CFMX. It's just a progression. It's an evolution. I mean
> to CFMX was a much bigger gap and the progression from VB to VB.NET.
> act as if VB and C++ don't exist. Not too mention C# is not a
> replacement for C++.
You may be one of the few VB developers who doesn't feel abandoned. And
BTW, MSFT is marketing C# as a replacement for C++.

> Further, are you spiting C# for giving you a language and CRLs to
> compile your code to nearly NEwhere? Hate to break it to you, but a
> of people have wanted a language like that for a long time.
I am not spiting anything or anyone. Just pointing out that MSFT doesn't
give developers security.

> You can mention DAO and RDO fairly. As well as I can mention Generator
> and Homesite. Which were products, NOT technologies. You can't blame
> for abandoning older technologies for better ones. However, I can
> about MM ditching a product its CTO said a year prior would not die.
> Only to be replaced with an inferior product. You know Ben Forta told
> point blank at the Dreamweaver gripe session that advanced cold fusion
> developers are the minority, and they have to support the majority to
> a successful company (hence WYSIWYG Dreamweaver bumps Homestie).
> Everyone is in it for the money. Don't spite one company and praise
> another when they share the same goals and faults.
I didn't spite MSFT and praise Macromedia.

> Bottom line is that 20 years ago I could have started as a C
> And I could still be one today. Maybe my syntax may change a bit over
> the years, C - C++ - C#, but at least I'll still have marketable
> 20 years later. That is security. I just have this feeling that
> macromedia will sell me down the river if it can make them a profit.
I highly doubt that above statement is true. C, C++, and C# are
FUNDAMENTALLY different languages. C is a procedural language, C++ is an
object-oriented language, and C# is an object-oriented garbage collected
virtual machine based language.


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