I like this approach that Dave is suggesting, and use it often.   
Specifically, I like using wget to generate HTML (and even CFM, but in  
your case, HTML) files, primarily because I can use make to determine  
dependancies and handle the build process.  Once it's all working  
correctly, you make a few changes to your source files, type "make" at  
the command line, and your site rebuilds only the portions it needs to.  
  You can then do fancy things like "make install" to move or even FTP  
(or scp) files to a live or staging server.

I also like Dave's point about not having to change your code.  When  
I'm using a technique like the one described above, I make direct  
requests to the CFM pages through my browser while I'm developing the  
"template".  I can see the output immediately without having to  
actually build the site (using make) after every change.  Once I have  
it working like I want, I then switch to the build system.


On Tuesday, January 14, 2003, at 10:28 AM, Dave Watts wrote:

>> What is the easiest way to use CFMX to generate static
>> HTML pages from dynamic content. I want to store the
>> pages as .html pages in the web server root, rather
>> than in the CFMX server root. The static site will
>> be accessed with no load on the CFMX server.
> Some people have suggested using CFSAVECONTENT and CFFILE from within  
> your
> page, or using CFHTTP. I'll instead suggest using an external HTTP  
> fetch
> utility, like wget, to spider through your content. The advantage of  
> this is
> that you don't have to make any changes to your existing code, and you  
> don't
> put extra work on CF as you would with CFHTTP.
> Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
> http://www.figleaf.com/
> voice: (202) 797-5496
> fax: (202) 797-5444
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