>There is an internationalization and globalization theme coming up on
>DevNet in the next few months.  Would anyone like to suggest some
>specific ColdFusion topics?  We obviously want to cover areas where
>people have the most difficulty and questions.

1. A discussion of storage "best practices" or "recommendations" as it 
pertains to multi-lingual content would great. I've read numerous articles 
suggesting that a database might not be the best solution. They tend to 
recommend XML files instead. But to what extent? All my content? This might 
lead to an article on using MX's built-in XML tags and functions.

2. Proper use of the SetEncoding() and LS..() functions would be great too, 
as I've seen situations where the developers weren't really sure what 
setting to use and when. I.e., how do I know which character set to use in 
each scenario?

3. Which JVM's are appropriate for use with MX. There seems to be a lot of 
discussion/confusion as to which JVM version does and doesn't cause 
headaches with i18n. For example, some have noted that Sun's 1.4.1 JVM 
breaks certain locales, but 1.4.0 is fine. That sort of summarized 
distinction would be great to have as a reference.

I'm sure there's more, but those three come to mind off the bat.


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