Adam Churvis wrote:
>>Adam Churvis wrote:
>>>-- How to leverage the XML handling capabilities of SQL Server 2000 and
>>>Oracle 9iR2.
>>Please, no db-vendor specific content, there is more than enough content
>>claiming you need database X for feature Y already, and it tends to
>>outlive the thruth of the statement by years (if it ever was true in the
>>first place).
>>ISO/IEC 9075-14:200x(E), available through the usual channels, will tell
>>you how the upcomming SQL:2003 standard will define what the behaviour
>>of XML and SQL combined has to be. Please base any best practices
>>documents on the current working drafts of that standard.
> Why?  That is a specification, not a working product.  Vendors typically
> extend standards with features and functionality that makes their products
> competitive, and these products are what will power your system in the real
> world, not some specification.

So you want Macromedia to write a best practices document for MS SQL 
Server, another one for Oracle, another one for Informix, one for DB2, 
one for Sybase, one for PostgreSQL, one for MySQL, one for SAPdb, one 
for ......

The purpose is to help people understand the concepts behind the 
technology and give them the toolbox to apply those concepts to whatever 
they happen to be using that day. So if you don't want to provide 
examples for each and every platform that works with your product, you 
might want to make it easy to translate those concepts from whatever 
examples you provide to code for their platform. And for that, you need 
a common frame of reference. What better common frame of reference is 
there then the official standard?

Sure, it would be nice if Macromedia wrote a best practices document for 
every dbms that exists, but we all know that is not going to happen. So 
instead of picking one or two and conveniently forgetting the rest, why 
not write it in such a way that you empower everybody to translate it to 
his own platform?

Besides, if you choose the right examples, very little to no translation 
is needed. Like if you write about extracting year or month from a date, 
use Oracle as an example and you have the exact SQL:1999 standard. If 
you write about stored procedures, use DB2 as an example and you have 
the exact SQL:1999 standard.
But don't use MS SQL Server to explain either one.


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