New Atlanta's web site is built entirely using New Atlanta technology. The
"J2EE Server" is our ServletExec JSP/Servlet product, so it's entirely
appropriate that portions of our web site are implemented using JSP (just as
portions of Macromedia's web site are implemented in JSP on top of JRun).
All database access is to Microsoft SQL Server via our JTurbo JDBC driver
(which is bundled with BlueDragon).

And, yes, most of the BlueDragon portion of our web site is running on

In this case we're using the BlueDragon/J2EE edition running within a
standard J2EE WAR file side-by-side with the JSP pages. In fact, some of the
common page elements (headers, footers, menu bars) are implemented via
CFINCLUDE of JSP pages, demonstrating a unique CFML/JSP integration feature
offered only by BlueDragon. Session variables are also shared across CFML
and JSP pages.

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Barney Boisvert [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 4:16 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: FREE BlueDragon Server Released!
> I totally hear you with that one.  Although it could well be 
> that their needs are such that JSP/Servlets is a better 
> choice, and so they are marketing a product to an audience 
> that they themselves are not a member of. Still, since 
> they're obviously running a J2EE server (which BD will run 
> on) it seems like they'd at least do the product site in cfm 
> via BD for this exact reason.
> barneyb

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