I'm giving two talks at MXNorth. The first, "Intro to JSP for CFML
Developers" is a slightly updated version of the presentation I gave at
BACFUG in December (I also gave this presentation to the Atlanta CFUG, and
somewhere else I don't remember offhand). This one is on Friday at 2:15 pm.

The second talk is "Integrating CFML and J2EE Web Applications" on Sunday at
1:00 pm. I think I gave a presentation with the same title at CFNorth last
year, but this one is completely different. Last year was all slides and
theory, this one will be mostly practical code examples.

Finally, for anyone who's interested, we'll be demonstrating BlueDragon for
.NET in our booth at MXNorth (the first ever public demonstration).

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 11:59 AM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: FREE BlueDragon Server Released!
> > Anyone's who's interested in learning more about the CFML/Java/JSP 
> > integration features offered by BlueDragon will be interested in 
> > attending my talk at the upcoming MXNorth conference:
> I assume this will cover more ground than your (enjoyable and 
> informative) BACFUG talk from a few months back?

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