My apologies--CFMX does indeed offer similar capabilities as BlueDragon in
this regard. It was an oversight on my part, and not a deliberate attempt to

Note that the BlueDragon implementation is via the new PAGE attribute of the
CFINCLUDE tag (and not via the GetPageContext function), which allows you to
include the output of JSP pages or servlets in a CFML page:

    <cfinclude page="header.jsp">
    <cfinclude page="/servlet/myServlet">

BlueDragon also implement a new CFFORWARD tag to do a "server-side redirect"
equivalent to CFMX's GetPageContext().forward():

    <cfforward page="nextpage.cfm">
    <cfforward page="nextpage.jsp">

Details of CFINCLUDE, CFFORWARD, and other CFML enhancements introduced by
BlueDragon (such as the CFIMAP tag) are in the BlueDragon CFML Compatibility

Anyone's who's interested in learning more about the CFML/Java/JSP
integration features offered by BlueDragon will be interested in attending
my talk at the upcoming MXNorth conference:

BTW, we plan to add support for GetPageContext() in BlueDragon 3.1 in order
to provide compatibility with CFMX, but we still like our implementation
better. :-)

Vince Bonfanti
New Atlanta Communications, LLC

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sean A Corfield [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 10:22 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: FREE BlueDragon Server Released!
> On Friday, Feb 21, 2003, at 13:49 US/Pacific, Vince Bonfanti wrote:
> > In this case we're using the BlueDragon/J2EE edition 
> running within a 
> > standard J2EE WAR file side-by-side with the JSP pages. In 
> fact, some 
> > of the common page elements (headers, footers, menu bars) are 
> > implemented via CFINCLUDE of JSP pages, demonstrating a unique 
> > CFML/JSP integration feature offered only by BlueDragon.
> That's not unique - CFMX allows you to include JSP pages:
>       cfm.cfm:
>       <cfoutput>
>       We're in CFML.<br />
>       <cfset getPageContext().include('jsp.jsp')>
>       We're back in CFML.<br />
>       </cfoutput>
>       jsp.jsp:
>       <% String s = new String("JSP"); %>
>       This is a <%= s %> page.<br />
> This produces:
>       We're in CFML.
>       This is a JSP page.
>       We're back in CFML.
> Sean A Corfield --
> "If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive."
> -- Margaret Atwood


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