I think Lee said it too, you've got a basic logic flaw. Your query says all
three criteria must be met.

Did you mean to say:

select * from
 Where ( orgname LIKE '%#Form.orgname#%' )
 OR    ( funding LIKE '%#Form.funding#%' )
 OR    ( commapproval LIKE '%#Form.commapproval#%' )
 ORDER BY recordid

You can use parenthesis to be MORE subtle, like if you want the second and
third criteria to be required together:

Where ( orgname LIKE '%#Form.orgname#%' )
( ( funding LIKE '%#Form.funding#%' ) AND ( commapproval LIKE
'%#Form.commapproval#%' ) )

On 2/25/03 6:48 AM, "Ian Vaughan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi
> I have the following form which is being used to search against my database
> table.
> When I search using the 'orgname' field and there are matches then results
> are returned.  However if I search in the other two fields then it displays
> no results found when it should bring back results ?
> Is this because of my sql ??
> <CFQUERY datasource="liv8" name="funding"
> cachedwithin="#CreateTimeSpan(0,6,0,0)#" blockfactor="100">
> select * from
> funding
> Where orgname LIKE UPPER('%#Form.orgname#%')
> AND funding LIKE UPPER('%#Form.funding#%')
> AND commapproval LIKE UPPER('%#Form.commapproval#%')
> ORDER BY recordid
> This is my search form
> <form method="POST" action="/testpages/fundingresults.cfm" name="search">
> <input type="Hidden" name="MaxRows" value="100">
> <input type="hidden" name="StartRow" value="1">
>       <font color="#000000" face="Verdana"><span class="black10">
> <p>
> <input type="text" class=mini  name="orgname" size=22 style="WIDTH:
> 200px"><b> Organization Name</b>
> </p>
> <input type="text" class=mini  name="funding" size=22 style="WIDTH:
> 200px"><b>Source of Funding</b>
> <p>
> <input type="text" class=mini  name="commapproval" size=22 style="WIDTH:
> 200px"><b>Committee Approval Date</b>
> </p>
> <p>
> <input type="submit" value="Search" name="B1">&nbsp;&nbsp;
> <input type="reset" value="Reset Form" name="B2">
> <p>
> </form>
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