The plot thickens - Can't set up virtual directory in the standalone web

If you've been following the adventures of the last 2 or 3 days, you'll
know that I have managed to get CFMX to operate on my machine with its
own internal webserver, but not with IIs. (I have WinXPPro system).

Today I decided to put off trying to make CFMX work with IIs because I
was heartily sick of the whole thing, and I will come back to that.   So
I started doing some tutorials that go with a CFMX book I got at MXDU.
(From Static to Dynamic in 10 Steps).

One of the things this book does is take you through the conversion of a
site from static to CFMX dynamic.   When I went to make a virtual
directory to the code in the CFMX web server, I found it wouldn't do it.
I just got the CFMX File not found error, even though I know it is

What did I do wrong?  

The site is in a folder called C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\CFMX10Steps\NewSite
so I added the following to the file


Am I right in assuming that this didn't work because it also is related
to the problems I've been having getting anything to connect to a jrun
service?  OR have I added the wrong code to the wrong file?

The url I'm trying to look at in my browser is
http://localhost:8500/10sNewsite/about/about.cfm   and I do know there
is a file called about.cfm in a folder underneath /NewSite 

Ain't CFMX wonderful?

Michael Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks.

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