> I'm new to this list but have always been a fan of CF's 
> elegance and power for years. I am a manager in dev shop 
> and the classic argument arises when CF comes up: can CF 
> perform on par with jsp? Php? Asp? .net?

Yes, yes, yes, it can perform "on par" with all of the above. Whatever that
means. All of them are more than adequate for the vast majority of web
applications, although PHP seems to me to be a bit limited with regard to
external APIs, compared to J2EE and .NET. Then again, I'm no PHP expert.
> Is there anything out there in terms of a comparative study 
> of some sort that lays it all out? My guess is that it will 
> be slower than Jsp since its in effect a layer on top of 
> java (so is JSP I suppose, but I'm guessing its closer to 
> Java than CF is, someone correct me if I'm wrong here).

JSP and CFM files are treated almost identically - they're both compiled to
Java classes that conform to the Servlet API. So there's no difference in
that regard.

CFMX, due to its typeless variables, is less efficient with regard to
mathematical operations, I imagine, but that doesn't make much of a
difference in most applications. If it does make a difference in your
application, you'd probably be just as well served by writing Java classes
to handle those operations, and invoking them from CF, as by using JSP
instead of CFMX.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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