On Sunday, Jun 22, 2003, at 10:33 US/Pacific, Dave Jones wrote:
> I would not have this problem in a pure Java environment (e.g.
> JRun, Tomcat, etc.) because by establishing contexts I can
> control the libraries used by my applications. And if I have two
> apps using two different versions of the same library, I can run
> each in a separate context to avoid a conflict.

And you can use exactly this same technique to avoid conflicts between 
your app and CFMX (which is another pure Java app).

> Does CFMX for J2EE share the same behavior?

Since CFMX is "just another Java app" it is as susceptible to this 
problem as any other Java app. As I said, you can run CFMX and your 
Java app on separate instances:

> At 03:33 PM 6/21/03 -0700, you wrote:
>> One possibility on JRun would be to define separate server instances
>> for CFMX and for your app and run them in their own memory spaces with
>> completely separate libraries etc.

Sean A Corfield -- http://www.corfield.org/blog/

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