> I'm right with you Michael.  I've heard from plenty of folks 
> just itching for a chance to rip on Fusebox (or any topic at 
> all, actually).  But when it comes to actually delivering a 
> superior solution, folks tend to fall suspiciously silent...
> I would switch from Fusebox to something else in 5 seconds if 
> someone could present a truly superior alternative.  Thus far 
> (and I've been looking for years), no one's actually delivered.

Perhaps you're looking for the wrong thing. What is the problem that is
solved by Fusebox? My complaint with it, my argument against it if you will,
is that it doesn't solve any real problems that I've seen with web
application development. If there's no problem, how can anyone present a
solution to that problem?

My solution, such as it is, simply requires a judicious application of
common sense. The reason that I like CF better than any other web
application development language I've seen - Java, ASP.NET, whatever - is
that it is strikingly simple. It allows me to do the typical tasks in a web
application without even having to think about syntax or complexity. I've
worked with CF applications large and small, and still, as long as I can
understand the data model and the intent of the application from an
end-user's perspective, I can easily read the CFML code and figure out
what's going on. That's the least of my problems.

Now, I won't go so far as to say "Fusebox is bad", because honestly, I don't
really think it's bad. I just don't think that it makes any difference, in
the vast majority of applications in which it's used. I don't think it makes
it easier for developers to move to new projects, any more than say,
variable naming conventions do. As with variable naming conventions, it's
hard to make an argument that it's bad, but it's just as hard to make the
counterargument that it's good - conventions are just that, nothing more.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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