> I actually haven't really seen any specific things that 
> people don't like about Fusebox...just lots of statements 
> like it's too much "trouble", or "overhead", or how they can 
> pick one thing about Fusebox and do it in a different way.

I don't like controller structures, or "hub-and-spoke" frameworks, or
whatever you want to call them. I think they add needless complexity to most
CF applications. I like being able to see a URL and know which file to edit,
without having to read some other file.

I don't like unnecessary use of variables at runtime. When you have
something like "<form action="#foo#">", how often does #foo# change that you
need to store it in a variable? The vast majority of HTML forms are only
going to post data to one place.

I don't like unnecessary abstraction in general. You may argue that the
abstraction provided by Fusebox is a better alternative than a lack of
abstraction, but I haven't found that to be the case personally.

I don't like (what I perceive to be) the underlying concept that web
applications are like houses, built brick-by-brick, and that each of these
"bricks" or modules needs to be as loosely coupled as possible to all the
others. Not all code can be reused, not all modules are better off being as
loosely coupled as possible, and in any case, such loose coupling is often
impossible in fact since the data schema won't allow it.

I don't like the way that Fusebox adherents tend to misuse common terms,
like "methodology", but that's not really a complaint against Fusebox. I do
suspect that there's something to the correlation between Fusebox and its
users, but I don't know what that would be.

> And I can promise you that there are PLENTY of people that 
> don't use Fusebox and are quite ready to attack at any time.  
> I haven't seen much of that in this discussion, which is very 
> refreshing.

Yes, the hordes of Fusebox attackers are unbearable, aren't they? It must be
terrible, what with everyone constantly telling you to stop using it.

Seriously, though, every time I hear an assertion like this, it makes me
chuckle. From my perspective, it looks like there are a lot of people trying
to convince other people that Fusebox will solve all of their web
application development problems. I don't think that's true, and I think
that it's a worthwhile endeavor to dispute this. If it were true, then I'd
never have to be hired to fix a Fusebox application, I'd think. You know,
it's not like I collect a nickel every time someone doesn't use Fusebox.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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