> Dave, you have been antagonistic since you started commenting 
> on this thread.

I think it's unfortunate that you confuse criticism with antagonism.

> Fusebox will not cease to exist because you don't like it.

I should hope not. Frankly, it doesn't bother me that people use Fusebox, or
that people like it. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd worked with as many
Fusebox applications as you have. When I am asked to fix an application, I
don't ever suggest that they avoid using Fusebox if they're already using it
- and that question actually comes up a lot. You'll notice that not once, in
this thread or others, have I said that people shouldn't use it - things
like this are decisions that people should make for themselves. But, when
asked how I feel about it myself, I reserve the right to answer honestly and
fully. Especially when the thread is called "Cons to Fusebox".

I'm sorry that you feel this is personally directed at you. It isn't. But
you may find it useful to understand that adults can disagree about things,
and provide arguments to justify their positions, without feeling personal
animus. It'll help you get through life.

> It will, however, continue to grow as long as those of us who 
> do use it present its benefits to others.

Well, that's good. Maybe it'll grow into something that I'll like, too. Who
knows? I'm actually interested in the "Mach II" stuff, although I haven't
spent very long looking into it so far.

> And, just because someone smiles when they tell you to kiss 
> their ass, :), doesn't mean they hope you feel better about it.

No, but it does point out that person's own thin skin and hypocrisy. And if
"kiss my ass" is the best argument you can find, well, good luck with that.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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