I'm not going to get involved much further in this thread because just about 
everything has been said.  Folks who don't like Fusebox still don't like it.  Folks 
that like Fusebox still like it.  Folks who don't know about Fusebox, or haven't 
looked at it lately, might have reason to investigate it further.  And it is to those 
people, not the detractors or the evangalists, that my effort has truly been directed.

But regarding the quote about 17,000 people, I'll say this.  As with anything, looking 
at ONLY the number of people doing something is a poor gauge of the worth of that 
thing.  However, the fact that far, far more people use Fusebox than any other 
ColdFusion methodology DOES indeed carry meaning.  Why is this?  What is it about 
Fusebox that makes it the most successful development framework among ColdFusion 

Part of the answer is that Fusebox just works.  It greatly assists one in creating a 
successful project.  Yes, in the wrong hands, Fusebox can still allow failures.  It is 
not a silver bullet in and of itself.  But the majority of folks using it clearly are 
not having failures; they are having successes.  It would not keep growing and 
improving if it were otherwise.  This is due not only to the framework itself, but the 
general emphasis on best-practice software engineering that tends to come with the use 
of Fusebox.

But the real benefit to having a huge, and ever growing, base of Fusebox developers, 
is the speed at which these developers can understand, maintain, and contribute to 
existing Fusebox applications.  The more people who use it, the more widespread the 
standard becomes and the more likely development projects are to adopt it.  It's a 
symbiotic relationship; a cycle.  While some may claim that new developers can come 
into an existing project and instantly pick up whatever custom framework or 
architecture is used, I believe that in reality this happens extremely rarely.  I 
think everyone will agree that just because ColdFusion is an easy language to 
understand does not necessarily mean that all ColdFusion applications are easy to 

So to me, the real point is not that X people use Fusebox, it is that Fusebox is, by 
far, the most successful framework that we ColdFusion developers have.  And the fact 
that the more people who use it, the greater the pool of developers becomes who all 
understand that framework and the greater the pool of projects that use it.  So folks 
can raise their grievances about Fusebox, and it's been challenged for years by 
competing frameworks, but it still goes on.  The community grows every day, and the 
number of projects using it grows as well.  In the end, the only thing that matters is 
whether your project is a success or a failure.  I submit that if you choose to use 
Fusebox, you are greatly increasing your chances of a successful project.



>I don't use Struts or Fusebox, so I don't care. I only point this out  
>to show how silly the whole "17,000 people use Fusebox and you should  
>too" line is.
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