Michael Wilson wrote:
> Hi Mosh,

Howdy 8^)

> >> I was think more in terms of including
> >> the appropriate display file from App.cfm
> You can most certainly do this (I used to), but it isn't much different
> building the switch file and may or may not (I can't say for sure) offer
> same level of control you get with Fusebox.

As it turns out, I don't include global headers/footers in App.cfm, etc.  I
was just pointing out alternative methods that provide a method of
supporting global layouts.  I believe the above was associated with
appropriate layout mechanisms for a smallish website.

> >> I'd love to hear that I'm wrong.  And, in fact,
> >> Google doesn't prove me correct, but it does
> >> seem to somewhat validate my concern.
> I don't think it is a huge issue any longer; however, you could always use
> Fusebox SES to overcome this issue. It is a painless implementation that
> produces search engine safe and friendly urls. This was an issue that was
> addressed a couple of years ago, when dynamic urls of any type had an
> on site rankings. SES will convert index.cfm?fuseaction=myApp.MainPage to
> index.cfm/fuseaction/myApp.MainPage.cfm

Yup, I'm aware of SES and have used it quite often (not via Fusebox).
Again, the above was my response explaining why Fusebox style URLs can/might
be problematic.  This whole thread began because I asked about pros and
cons, not of using Fusebox, bit in using a controller (hub and spoke, what
have you) for all requests just like Fusebox does.  I wasn't actually
interested in talking about Fusebox, but this thread has been fairly
educational and entertaining to boot 8^).

Mosh Teitelbaum
evoch, LLC
Tel: (301) 942-5378
Fax: (301) 933-3651
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