Yeah NS 7.1 is pretty good, however I just discovered a quirk last night 
regarding  CSS.

I've got a major CSS file that sets padding, and a host of other elements 
in tables.  When I generated the page using the <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC 
"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Final//EN"> My main navigation table in NS 7.1 had a 
gap in it, not in IE though.

I decided to do a "what the heck" and used
and there was no gap!

Not understanding this if I want to ensure standards compliance, I'll need 
to figure out which CSS, XHTML or DOM element NS 7.1 doesn't support, or if 
I need to reference a local URI or something. (I'm Just now learning the 
finer points of advanced CSS and DOM control).

So for me, it's cross-browser testing as usual!

The real question though is, now that AOL signed another multi-year 
agreement to use the IE engine in AOL <ACK cough - sputter> and laid off 
more NS staff, how long will it be before NS goes completely open source?

Ultimately I'm an NS FANatic since NS 0.9 beta and an anti-corporate kind 
of a guy, however I have no desire (YET) to explore Linux, Opera, or any of 
the other dozen anti-Bill solutions for Intel based PCs.


At 11:05 PM 7/27/03, you wrote:
>Lil bit OT but it may be worthy. ;)
>I had to do some regression testing on an app today and was forced to
>install Netscape 7.1, ACK!...and I must admit I was pleasantly
>surprised. I believe it's *finally* caught up to (and surpassed) IE.
>Built-in pop-up blocking for one...and every IE feature I used to
>complain that it didn't have. I even found my google bar! ;)
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