Did you do something to IIS or to CFMX? Are you on a single site machine or
multi-homed? I'm using Website (which is using the JRun connector so that's not
a problem) on a multi-domain system.
My thinking is that it's a problem with the machine being multi-domained and
CFMX not being able to translate the URL properly.

> Seems to me that this is a functionality of the Web Server and not CF, so I
> dont' see how Macromedia could claim that they fixed the problem.  Anyway, I
> am able to get SES url's to work using IIS.  Everything after the original
> file name is being passed to CF in cgi.path_info as it should.  So IIS seems
> to recognize those SES url's and pass them off to CF.  Maybe you already
> answered this, but what web server are you using?  I would guess that there
> in lies the problem.
> Mark
> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 3:08 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: Re: Search engine safe urls
> I think your missing the point and origin of SES urls. Basically, it goes
> back
> to 96 or 97 and has to do with a small 'feature' where anything AFTER the
> file
> name would be pumped into the CGI.path_info. It didn't matter if it had
> question
> marks, equal signs, or what. It only mattered that it was separated from the
> actual filename by a slash.
> Saying that it should be /name/a rather than /name=a is semantics that
> doesn't
> really mean much to the operation of the technique (I hate arguing semantics
> rather than the tech). The root here is that CFMX is looking at
> index.cfm/name=a
> (or index.cfm/name/a) as if it was the full url/file name and is choking on
> it.
> It is NOT recognizing that index.cfm is the file name and everything else
> after
> it is extended information.
> The question was, now that Macromedia has said that CFMX WILL recognize
> index.cfm/name=a (or index.cfm/name/a) as the template index.cfm with
> whatever
> else, has anyone gotten it to work?
> > Michael:
> >
> > Try changing the URL from http://lotauctions.com/index.cfm/name=a to
> > http://lotauctions.com/index.cfm/name/a (note the equal sign was changed
> to
> > a foreslash).
> >
> > In general, SES URLs take the form ...filename/name1/val1/name2/val2/...
> and
> > you either use some sort of URL rewrite or some code that preparses the
> > for you so you can access your URL variables as expected.  For example,
> > something like:
> >
> > <!--- Get SES-converted query string --->
> > <CFSET QueryString = Right(CGI.PATH_INFO, Len(CGI.PATH_INFO) -
> > Len(CGI.SCRIPT_NAME) - 1)>
> >
> > <CFSET LoopIterations = ListLen(QueryString, "/") / 2>
> > <CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="#LoopIterations#" INDEX="ctr">
> > <CFSET tmp = SetVariable("URL.#GetToken(QueryString, ctr * 2 - 1, "/")#",
> > GetToken(QueryString, ctr * 2, "/"))>
> > </CFLOOP>
> > </CFIF>
> >
> > The above code will allow you to access your SES variables via the
> standard
> > URL scope.
> >
> > --
> > Mosh Teitelbaum
> > evoch, LLC
> > Tel: (301) 942-5378
> > Fax: (301) 933-3651
> > WWW: http://www.evoch.com/
> >
> >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Michael Dinowitz [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 4:55 PM
> > > To: CF-Talk
> > > Subject: Re: Search engine safe urls
> > >
> > >
> > > Nope. A 500:
> > > http://lotauctions.com/index.cfm/name=a
> > >  The server encountered an error and was unable to complete your
> request.
> > > Message: ISAPI DLL D:\CFusionMX\runtime\lib\wsconfig\2\jrun.isa
> > > returned error
> > > status for this request.
> > >
> > > Basically, the url is being passed to the CF engine and it has no
> > > clue that it
> > > really wants index.cfm, not index.cfm/name=a
> > >
> > > > Michael,
> > > >
> > > > Just a shot in the dark: is your web server software
> > > intercepting the urls and
> > > pumping out 404's before CF can get hold of them?
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > -------------------------------------------
> > > >  Matt Robertson,     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >  MSB Designs, Inc. http://mysecretbase.com
> > > > -------------------------------------------
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > >
> > >
> >
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