> I've looked high and low and I can't find an answer that 
> works so I'm going to ask here. In the release notes for 
> the updater it says as one of the features fixed:
> Search engine safe URLs of the form *.cfm/* did not work 
> properly, so a URL such as http:/server/test.cfm/alpha/beta 
> would not execute test.cfm.
> Nice statement but I can't find anything more about SES urls, 
> nothing works and every attempt I make to get them to work 
> fails. Is it limited to a single domain site? Does it need 
> changes to the XML pages? Does it only work on IIS? Has 
> anyone gotten this to work? If so, want to write a paper on 
> it?

If you're using WebSite, I wouldn't be surprised if this didn't work at all.
You might want to ask Mr. Denny how his web server parses URLs; if you've
got CF hooked up to WebSite via an ISAPI extension (I don't think WebSite
supports ISAPI filters, but I could be wrong), the web server will be
responsible for parsing the URL, I think.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
voice: (202) 797-5496
fax: (202) 797-5444

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