I think if you judge 'competition' on what's most important... sales.
Then VS has its work cut out for it. Cuz I don't know anyone (including
myself) who paid for VS (outside of MSDN). But DWMX was a massive
financial success for MM during a stale economy.

And last I checked, VS has _no_ CF support.

Adam Wayne Lehman
Web Systems Developer
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Distance Education Division

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, August 28, 2003 1:55 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: RE: DWMX 2004 - Whats new for us?

> In the end, I think having an IDE that welcomes other developers 
> is an
> excellent R&D opportunity as well. If MM knows what ASP and PHP coders
> are doing, what their tools offer, etc. it gives them better 
> insight on
> how to keep CF competitive - or one step ahead as is the current
> situation.

In regards to .NET, DW is a steaming pile of crap compared to VS.NET.
They're not even in the same league.  Mind you, DW is way cheaper than
VS.NET :)  But, I'd still buy VS.NET over DW any day of the week.  The
Professional version is a little bit more than DW, and it contains
interactive debugging, a fully featured database front end, great help,
intellisense, a better code editor, and the higher editions have design
tools that DW will probably _never_ have.  Or, I can get VS.NET standard
for < $100, which is far, far cheaper than DW.

Or heck, I can get Primal Code for $249, I can then code in .NET, php,
and CF, and a whole bunch of other languages.

Or, I can get Eclipse for free, and do what I want with it.

Point being: MM has a heck of a lot (and I mean a LOT) of work to do
with DW before it becomes a serious contender in the IDE market.

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