
> Below is part of a form I use to simply multiply a quantity times
> unit cost.
> The problem is that when the customer keys in a comma as in 4,000
> instead of
> 4000 a multiplication error occurs.  I get an answer but it is way wrong.
> What can I do to strip the comma out???
> <tr>
> <CFIF Len(Trim(form.qty1)) AND Len(Trim(form.unitcost1))>
> <cfset form.totalcost = #form.qty# * #form.unitcost#>
> <td><input name="unitcost" value="#form.unitcost#"></td>
> </tr>
> </CFIF>

Why don't you convert them to numbers???

<cfif IsNumeric(form.qty1) and IsNumeric(form.unitcost1)>
   <cfset form.totalcost = val(form.qty1) * val(form.unitcost1)>
   <td><input name="unitcost" value="<cfoutput>#form.unitcost1#</cfoutput>

Incidently, watch your tag nesting.....

In your code you have an overlaping <Cfif> and <tr> if the <Cfif> fails
you'll windup with a <tr> floating around on its own.



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