You can get an old iMac on Ebay for less than $200:

You don't need anything more if you're just going to be testing web 
pages.  That, and you can get a moderately more expensive one with OS X 
if you want to check modern performance (have to be OS X.2 for Safari).

Apple doesn't release an OS for x86 so they don't have to deal with a 
bazillion components and associated drivers.  It's like complaining you 
can't install IRIX on your old Compaq to see how your site looks in 
Netscape on it.

- Jim

Benjamin S. Rogers wrote:

>>>>Win IE5.5 required = unusable.
>>... by about 5% users...
>Even less, last time I looked. And then divide that by all of the
>various browsers used on the Mac (Safari, several different Gecko based
>browsers, Internet Explorer, Opera, etc.). To further complicate things,
>we can't just install a Mac OS onto an old x86 box for testing purposes
>(or, even better, use Virtual PC). Instead, we would have to invest a
>substantial amount of money into a machine we have no intention of using
>for anything else.
>In the end, we try to design our sites to be as standards compliant as
>possible, try to make them degrade as gracefully as possible in older
>browsers (Netscape 4, Internet Explorer 4, etc.), and hope for the best
>everywhere else. Of course, the first two are often mutually exclusive.
>In which case, standards be damned, we're going to make our customers'
>sites look as good as possible in as many browsers as we reasonably can.
>Benjamin S. Rogers

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