>> Thanks for the feedback everyone. Zope doesn't sound as bad as
>> it seems. Only issues is learning while architecting a large project.
>> It's true learning on company time is a big perk. Does anyone see
>> Python and/or Zope and professionally marketable skill?

>Python, absolutely. Zope, not so much at this point. But there's a
>difference between the two -- Python's a programming language and the
>other's an object-oriented CMS written in Python, so needs for the two are
>going to be completely different.

Dave's absolutely right on this -- Zope was built as a CMS.  Why not have a look at an opensource, object based, CMS written in CFMX??

FarCry CMS (http://farcry.daemon.com.au/) offers all the features you have described and more.  The record installation time in the office is under 3mins.  It installs as a fully functional web app -- you just customise and build out from there.

FarCry v2 was released just in the last fortnight and is rock solid.  But don't take my word for it.  Join the developer list -- ask other CF developers working in the solution daily.

Like Zope, FarCry is backed by a company that offers services and support (and we're not the only ones).  Anyhoot... take the time to check it out -- you might be surprised at just how comprehensive a product it is.

Best regards,

Geoff Bowers
Self-professed FarCry Evangelist :)
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