CVS is a great idea. I've been playing with it for the past few days and I'm
really starting to like it.

Earlier in this thread someone wrote:

>Yep... you could do it several ways...though not truly in homesite.....All
>source control is is ensuring that two people cant edit the same
>its a process of checking if the file is read-only before you go and make

which isn't exactly true with CVS. It doesn't keep 2 people from editing the
same file, it keeps 2 changes on a file from interfering with each other. It
will allow you to both edit a file, but make changes to separate parts,
which is a huge advantage.

TortiseCVS is a great tool to use with it that does about everything you'll
need. WinCVS is another client tool that, while not as cool, is a different
interface with more CVS control. I also recommend downloading WinMerge
(whether or not you use source control) to track changes between 2 versions
of a file or even a whole directory of files. It's one of the best utils out

And as a bonus, here's the ultimate CVS reading material:

-nathan strutz

-----Original Message-----
From: Gyrus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 15, 2003 8:59 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: RE: "lite" source control for Homesite+ ?

At 11:40 15/10/2003 -0400, you wrote:
>I know you said you don't want to set up version control but I really would
>suggest CVS.  We knew nothing about it and got it up and running in no
>You don't even have to do anything in Homesite to get it to work with CVS
>perfectly.  Just install TortoiseCVS client and you have full access to
>update/commit files right within HomeSite by right-clicking on the folders.

Thanks, someone whose posts I respect on another list has also recommended
TortoiseCVS, and given a very convincing "get into CVS even if it seems
like overkill" argument. So, I may well check this out (no pun intended ;-).

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