I keep getting recommended that I should go with SUSE the next time I
set up a linux box. (Instead of RH, particularly in light of recent events)


Yves Arsenault wrote:

> That is something I've been wondering... I originally decided on RedHat
> because it is a very common distro.
> I was, until just very recently, unaware that they were pulling the plug on
> it.
> Debian is a distro I've been looking at.
> I also do like Mandrake, which I am currently using on another...
> Yves
>   -----Original Message-----
>   From: Josh Remus [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   Sent: 13 novembre 2003 09:49
>   To: CF-Talk
>   Subject: OT: RE: CF on Linux
>   Just a question for those of you running CF on RH 7/8/9....What are you
>   doing (if these are production servers) to deal with the End-Of-Life of
>   these products?  We're confronting this right now, although not for CF.
> Any
>   opinions on this would be appreciated.
>   Josh
>     -----Original Message-----
>     From: Yves Arsenault [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 8:36 AM
>     To: CF-Talk
>     Subject: RE: CF on Linux
>     Hello Ryan,
>     I've been learning Linux on and off for the last year... I have 2
> systems
>     here that I have set up.
>     Mandrake 9.0 with Apache 1.3.26, BlueDragon 3.0.2 (Free version), MySQL
>     3.xx, and BIND 9.2, it was a learning curb to set up, this was my first
>   set
>     up attemp, but after learning how to set it up (by just doing it) and
>     countless web ressources this little server is very stable.
>     My new system is RedHat 9, Apache 2.0.48, MySQL 3.xx, Bind 9.2.1 and
>     6.1. I took my time to install this, had a hard time finding drivers for
>   my
>     NIC... after the install I noticed I made a mistake in the config, so
> the
>     next day I reinstalled the system completly, in a couple of hours, I was
>   up
>     with no problems.
>     So far this system is running very well also, it still hasn't had alot
> of
>     work, but it looks good so far.
>     Yves
>       -----Original Message-----
>       From: Ryan Sabir [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Sent: 13 novembre 2003 03:41
>       To: CF-Talk
>       Subject: CF on Linux
>       Hi all,
>       I'm a long time CF on Windows user who's thinking of dabbling with
>       Linux as a possible future server platform.
>       While my Cold Fusion skills are quite high, I'm a pretty basic Linux
>       user. I can set up a box and know my way around the file system , but
>       have never had to configure a web server from scratch.
>       How does the CF install experience compare to that of Windows? Am I
>       looking at hours of fiddling around with config files and pulling my
>       hair out? Or will I be leaning back in my chair sipping daiquiris and
>       pressing the 'y' key every now and then?
>       The target platform I'm looking at if RedHat 7.3, running Tomcat. A
>       client has specifically requested this config.. is it sensible? I've
>       noticed that Tomcat isn't officially supported by MM, though they have
>       a few technotes on the install process.
>       Thanks, bye!
>       -----------------------
>       Ryan Sabir
>       Newgency Pty Ltd
>       2a Broughton St
>       Paddington 2021
>       Sydney, Australia
>       Ph (02) 9331 2133
>       Fax (02) 9331 5199
>       Mobile: 0411 512 454
>       http://www.newgency.com/index.cfm?referer=rysig
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