
On 12/1/2003 at 15:40, you wrote:

BB> CFMX 6.1 comes with 1.4.1_01 I believe.  It's definitely a 1.4, so
BB> you should be set already.  Of course, it doesn't have the SDK,
BB> but it has all the class libraries you'll need for 1.4
BB> compatibility.  With CFMX (which came with 1.3), I immediately
BB> upgraded all my boxes to 1.4.1_01 (current at the time), but with
BB> 6.1, I've left them alone.  Never had any problems with the
BB> upgrades, but didn't think it was worth it on 6.1.

If my installation has JRE 1.4.x, shouldn't I be able to 'locate
javax' from the command line/terminal?

Perhaps the CFMX edition makes a difference--I am running Standard,
not Enterprise.

~ Ubqtous ~
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