
On 12/1/2003 at 16:54, you wrote:

MTeF> I have the strong feeling you are still referring to an older version (1.2).
MTeF> Please try the latest one and, in case the issue persist, let us know what
MTeF> kind of errors are you getting

There is very little to go on for this error, but I did find
something* that seems to indicate that X needs to be installed in
order to access "libXp.so", which is referenced in the error message I

/opt/coldfusionmx/runtime/jre/lib/i386/libawt.so: libXp.so.6: cannot
open shared object file: No such file or directory null <br>The error
occurred on line 224.

I was reading the error message the wrong way. libawt.so isn't the
file not being found--libawt.so is trying to find libXp.so and cannot.
While I can 'locate' libawt.so, libXp.so is not on my server.

Anyone have know if I need to install X in full, or if I can just
install libXp.so by itself**?


(**) http://at.rpmfind.net/opsys/linux/RPM/libXp.so.6.html

~ Ubqtous ~
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