
On 12/1/2003 at 16:16, you wrote:

BB> CFMX doesn't include an SDK, only a JRE.  It has all the libraries
BB> it needs, but they are set up to use as part of CF, not from
BB> external sources.  If you really need it, there is a `java`
BB> executable, and a compiler (jikes) in the /runtime directory of
BB> your install, but if you're going to be doing stuff outside CF,
BB> you're probably better off downloading an SDK from of
BB> the appropriate version.

I am only looking to determine the width, height, and file size of
images uploaded through a CF application on my server, so it would be
preferable to use the existing JRE instead of installing another,
external JRE. Bryan was able to get Massimo's CFC to work with a
RH9/MX6.1 installation (like mine), so it must be a problem with my

BB> I'm not sure what the `locate` command is (something like
BB> `which`?), but I doubt you'll find 'javax' anywhere.  It's nothing
BB> more than a directory inside some JAR file (rt.jar, actually), not
BB> anything on the filesystem.

'locate' finds directories and files by searching an index (which is
maintained with 'updatedb').

I think you're right... I have been running on comments I received the
last time I was investigating this that said I should have a file
system directory or file named 'javax'.

~ Ubqtous ~
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