> And if you are really serious about preventing spam, use real email
> adresses and set up automatic SpamCop, ORBS, NANAS etc. submissions
> for everything that hits those addresses.

The page I'm working on is still "beta". When finished, the email
addresses generated won't look so "false".  "Wpoison" does a great job,
using a huge array or words and domain endings and creates pretty "real"
looking email addresses that will parse, and that's what I hope to end
up with when done.

I've already gotten my ISP to block the first "FlipDog" BOT that crawled
the page. This one had already been blocked by a number of other ISP's,
so it was easy to convince them to jump on the bandwagon. One down -
several thousand more to go....

I'm f***ing sick of SPAM.

So, I have several things to do:

1. My ISP filters for SPAM and reports all they catch.
    However, tons still slips through.

2. For the ones that slip through:
    a. I take the time to report every freaking one of them
    b. For the repeat ones, I chase the bastards.  I recently
       sent a 200 page FAX to the maker of the Magna RX Penis
       patch - copies of all the SPAM advertising their product
       that I had gotten in the last week. They weren't too
       happy. But, that's another story and email.

3. Go through all my old apps and protect the email addresses.
    a. _javascript_ works great on the "mailto" links.
    b. I'm still experimenting with the CFMAIL tags.  I wouldn't
       thing a harvester would/could grab an address - even
       hard coded. But it seems one did. So, I've already
       got a fix for that.

4. I want to do more than just report or filter these jerks.
    This is why I'm experimenting with various "BOT KILLER"
    type pages.  If I can choke/stop a bot or clog somebodies
    database with useless addresses, the more the better. I'm
    obviously still experimenting here too.

I obviously still have a lot to learn, but I'm making a big effort. The
new "CAN-SPAM" USA legislation that was passed is actually going to do
very little to stop SPAM, and may make it easier for some spammers to
operate, from what I can tell.  Additionally, as long as spammers can
relay through China-net and other SPAM friendly servers, what good are
any US laws when it isn't coming from the US to start with?

Kill 'em all I say. However, that isn't legal, so anything else I can do
to be a major thorn in the side is great by me.

Les Mizzell
“Mihi placent, O Pincerna!
  Virent ova! Viret perna!
  Dapem posthac non arcebo.
  Gratum tibi me praebebo.”
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