Your diligence in reporting via spamcop is great news to me.

spamcop automatically submits all IP numbers in the headers of spam to three
open relay testers.  If they are tested as an open relay/open proxy or zombie,
their listings take on some permanence.

I use the blocklists at my mail gateway server, and so far it is doing about 99%
success so far. If a sender is listed, the connection is then drooped, I do not
download the spew.

I also block all mail harvest bots that I can identify. most especially the ones
that try to ignore the robots.txt files. I have default re-direct pages in each
subdirectory on web sites, sending them to the home page should they try that

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Les Mizzell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Hiding an Email Address from harvesters

| > And if you are really serious about preventing spam, use real email
| > adresses and set up automatic SpamCop, ORBS, NANAS etc. submissions
| > for everything that hits those addresses.
| The page I'm working on is still "beta". When finished, the email
| addresses generated won't look so "false".  "Wpoison" does a great job,
| using a huge array or words and domain endings and creates pretty "real"
| looking email addresses that will parse, and that's what I hope to end
| up with when done.
| I've already gotten my ISP to block the first "FlipDog" BOT that crawled
| the page. This one had already been blocked by a number of other ISP's,
| so it was easy to convince them to jump on the bandwagon. One down -
| several thousand more to go....
| I'm f***ing sick of SPAM.
| So, I have several things to do:
| 1. My ISP filters for SPAM and reports all they catch.
|     However, tons still slips through.
| 2. For the ones that slip through:
|     a. I take the time to report every freaking one of them
|     b. For the repeat ones, I chase the bastards.  I recently
|        sent a 200 page FAX to the maker of the Magna RX Penis
|        patch - copies of all the SPAM advertising their product
|        that I had gotten in the last week. They weren't too
|        happy. But, that's another story and email.
| 3. Go through all my old apps and protect the email addresses.
|     a. _javascript_ works great on the "mailto" links.
|     b. I'm still experimenting with the CFMAIL tags.  I wouldn't
|        thing a harvester would/could grab an address - even
|        hard coded. But it seems one did. So, I've already
|        got a fix for that.
| 4. I want to do more than just report or filter these jerks.
|     This is why I'm experimenting with various "BOT KILLER"
|     type pages.  If I can choke/stop a bot or clog somebodies
|     database with useless addresses, the more the better. I'm
|     obviously still experimenting here too.
| I obviously still have a lot to learn, but I'm making a big effort. The
| new "CAN-SPAM" USA legislation that was passed is actually going to do
| very little to stop SPAM, and may make it easier for some spammers to
| operate, from what I can tell.  Additionally, as long as spammers can
| relay through China-net and other SPAM friendly servers, what good are
| any US laws when it isn't coming from the US to start with?
| Kill 'em all I say. However, that isn't legal, so anything else I can do
| to be a major thorn in the side is great by me.
| --
| Les Mizzell
| -------------------------
| “Mihi placent, O Pincerna!
|   Virent ova! Viret perna!
|   Dapem posthac non arcebo.
|   Gratum tibi me praebebo.”
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