gotta chime in. Been using both HS+ and DWMX2004 for a while now (company
has Devnet Subscriptions :) ) and they both have their strengths.

DW is at is best when a project is setup. This does incur some load time
issues but allows for tight integration of all the components. It pretty
cool when you can see live data in the Design view.

HS+ or any editor really is great when you have projects already in
existence and need to edit an existing page. HS and other editors just load

DW has pretty good integration with SourceSafe and is simple to setup. DW
only has a few minor annoyances that hopefully will be fixed.
    Title bar does not show full path of file currently editing  e.g. it
shows  only directory and file name ( thisdir/myfile.cfm)  whereas abbr
notation like ( D:/toplevel/.../thisdir/myfile.cfm) would be much more
useful. Especially when you have files with same name opened but different

Sourcesafe performance is not good in general over slower VPN and the like.
DW makes it even slower. Also we use a PERSONAL_DEV/DEV/QA/PROD environment
structure it would be nice if there was one more way to PUT files in both a
DEV & QA environment not just one. Not a huge thing but would be nice.

Yes DW hogs memory but that is why its good to have an editor for those
moments when memory is precious. Though I run 768MB so always have at least
400MB free even with TOAD,Outlook,5-10 IEs, 2-4 Explorer, itunes,winamp,
assorted other.

I like DW it just requires rethinking of the development process which does
take some getting used to, but once there is quite nice overall.

End my 2 cents -----

Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays

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