There is a slick utility offered by Sysinternals
'' called
pagedefrag that does a great job defragmenting your pagefile (if you don't
have the luxury of putting it on another disk.  I've been using it for a
year now on all our windows NT+ class systems, at the worst it doesn't seem
to create problems, at the best I think it helps machines start and stop

Dave's recommendation of setting the minimum size to the same as the maximum
size is mandatory on our systems (one of the first performance setting we

Also, if you have a lot of memory you can disable paging
'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Memory
Management' 'DisablePagingExecutive' to stop the OS from putting peices of
itself in swap.

Even if you do have a lot of memory many programs will not work unless you
have a paging file, I guess even computer programs like to have a place to


-----Original Message-----
From: Brook Davies [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, April 09, 2004 2:25 PM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: How many class files do YOU have?

I repoted to this list awhile ago about really long start up times for one
of my apps on the first run. It seems that this problem has been resolved
by defragging the HD? The C:\CFusionMX\wwwroot\WEB-INF\cfclasses folder had
a lot of fragmented files as well as other areas on the HD. Does that make

Anyhow, I have 6,591 class files in my class folder taking up about 80
megs. So, I am curious now how many class files ya'll have on your servers?

And another question related to disk usage; what are the guidelines for a
paging file and is it needed if you have lots of physical ram? The reason I
ask is because I wonder if a fragmented HD, and a page file on that disk
might cause problems. I've had some JavaOutOfMemory errors, so I am looking
for answers everywhere :)

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