
OKay, I set the server to NOT write cache files to disk and deleted all the
cache files. I also increased the maxPermSize as suggested. Any reason I
should not increase it to 512? I have the 3 gigs of ram on the server.

Also,my app writes lots of cfm files to disk, that why I have 6000 class
files. Will this still be okay using the on-the-fly-compiler? Should I set
the template cache higher than 1024?


At 01:52 PM 4/9/2004, you wrote:

>If you have that many CFM's then the reason you are getting OutOfMemory
>errors is due to the fact that you are running out of space in the
>permanent generation of the Java Heap. I won't get into specifics with JVM
>tuning. I have some info on my blog but to fix this
>bump up the -XX:MaxPermSize value in your jvm.config to 192 or 256 it
>should get rid of the problem. Also load testing has found that you can
>uncheck the value save class files in the admin and still get the same
>performance without storing the class files to disk. They will be compiled
>on first hit and loaded into memory. With the slick new compiler in 6.1 it
>is very efficient, in fact more efficient than having to sort through 6000
>class files to load the appropriate file.
>Hope that helps
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