
I haven't gotten around to giving it a try yet, but the RichPalette site

"He3 provides a number of unique tools specifically targeted to CFML
development. Additionally, He3 includes rich support for XML, HTML, CSS, and
SQL as well as providing time saving _expression_ builders for regular
expressions and XPaths. Further, He3 has built in support for community
driven frameworks such as Fusebox 4 and Mach-II."

I suppose these "unique tools" is what he's after. I assumed there would be
more (and I'm sure there is) than tag reference and templates in a
ColdFusion specific IDE.

Best regards,
Michael Wilson


From: Rob [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2004 10:56 AM
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Re: He3 beta release now available

> However, aside from the
> built-in CFML and CFC templates, I've tried (and failed) to find those
> aspects of He3 that are "specifically targeted to CFML development".

That is because, from what I hear, they dont exist in he3. You may be
confusing he3 with cfeclipse (which of cource has the cvs and file
comparisons as well - because it's built into eclipse) here is a
screen shot of CFEclipse :


It has code outline, cfc metods view, and a bunch of other cfml
specific tools. We have some alpha documentation if you'd like to
check it out
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