> I have He3 downloaded and installed, it looks pretty nice, especially
> the CVS integration and file comparison.  However, aside from the
> built-in CFML and CFC templates, I've tried (and failed) to find those
> aspects of He3 that are "specifically targeted to CFML development".
In my mind, CFML, HTML, XML, CSS, JS, and SQL are pretty common languages
used by most CFML developers. We currently have editors for CFML, HTML, XML,
and SQL, while support for CSS and JS will come later. Additionally, we
currently have support for Mach-II, while we plan to support Fusebox 4
later. Finally, we currently support RegEx and XPath _expression_ builders
both of which are used by a number of CFML developers, while we plan support
for CFML expressions later.

Remember, He3 is not a finished product; we released a beta to gain feedback
from the community. The feedback so far as been great. We have already
released two updates addressing people's concerns and more updates are on
the way.

> Can you give us some info, or a quickstart guide, or anything more?
I'm sorry but documentation is not available currently. Once He3's
functionality becomes more finalized you can expect it though.

> Also, it doesn't seem like you can edit existing files without setting
> up a project, which seems mighty lame (as the kids say).  Finally,
> does the cfeclipse plugin (http://cfeclipse.tigris.org/) work with He3
> to give it CFML functionality?
Editing files outside of a project is indeed quite buggy. While it does work
for me on my machine, I know most people (on Windows) aren't able to get it
to work. Although this particular bug will likely be solved in the future,
there are still some differences between an editor and an IDE that will
continue to shine through and I think this is just another example of that.
Editors tend to be file focused, while IDEs are project focused.

In regard to CFEclipse, feel free to use it with He3 if you'd like. It
certainly has some functionality that we have not implemented and people
like e.g. outline views. However, CFEclipse is certainly not required for

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