> perhaps I'm not explaining myself well. Below is the layout
> of the sites
> + Non secure site Directory ( http://www.mysite.com )
>     |
>     > cfincludes / custom tags directory
>         |
>         > images directory
> + Secure Site Directory ( https://www.mysite.com )
>    |
>    > I wish to point to the directory on the Normal Site
> Now I've used relative paths and the included files are fine.
> The problem is that when refrencing images it's reading the
> custom tags and then looking for the images in the current (
> https ) folder. Not from the http folder.

I'm a bit confused. Are the two sites actually serviced by separate virtual
web servers? Typically, if you use both HTTP and HTTPS to connect to a
single host (www.mysite.com), you'd only have one folder anyway.

However, assuming you do actually have two separate directories, all you
have to do is create a virtual directory within your HTTPS virtual server
that points to the appropriate directory in your HTTP virtual server.

Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software
phone: 202-797-5496
fax: 202-797-5444
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