Dave Watts wrote on 7/17/2004, 13:34:

> Because it might be more work to do this? Because it might not be
> worth the time on the part of the developer to spend this extra time?

I disagree.  If you are wanting to hit a particular market with a
product, should you provide the extra time to provide the product in
something that in cross platform?  Although MS has cornered the market
with it platform, I am seeing more and more distributions of the
Unix/Linux workstations in Enterprises and other countries.  So if you
were serious about producing something that developers would want to use
in their production and would want to promote to other developers,
wouldn't restricting the product to one operating system hinder you

> That's funny. I've been working with Windows for the last ten years,
> with very little stress to my poor old computer. I've been using the
> same laptop for the last four years or so, actually, just replacing
> the hard disk when it failed. I rarely reinstall my operating system -
> again, only when I have a hardware failure, or when a new version
> comes out that I want to use.

Wow, that is great, good for you!  I have had similar results, but only
after Windows 2K/Windows XP came out.  By the way, if you wanted to use
Windows XP for developing web applications do you realize that IIS will
only allow one instance of a web server?  That means that you would have
to go with something like Apache HTTPD in order setup multiple web
servers on different ports. BTW, Windows 2K still allows multiple http

> I suspect that many developers use Linux or OS X because they're
> different, or may have a greater perceived "coolness" factor. I don't
> necessarily see higher productivity from those developers, though.

Really, that is interesting.  I always figured that developers developed
  on these platforms because a greater flexibility to create "Cross OS
Platform" applications.  Plus I have always found that Linux provides
less stress on hardware while it is running.  Plus, I am able to always
have at my disposal code in the back end of the applications to tweak
what I see necessary in order to create more robust applications both
web and desktop.

This is just my opinion though. ;-)

Jason L. West, Sr.
Internet Application Specialist, Sr.
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