> -----Original Message-----
> On Behalf Of Samuel R. Neff
> Sent: Saturday, July 17, 2004 1:53 PM
> To: CF-Talk
> Subject: RE: Best choice for ColdFusion Studio IDE...
> I personally would not call any decision made by a knowledgeable
> individual
> that's based on a cost/benefit analysis "stupid".
I wouldn't either given those parameters.

> The fact is most people use Windows and writing an application that works
> cross platform does take extra effort and does add an extra layer of
> abstraction between your program and the underlying OS that can impede
> performance and maintainability.
Certainly some applications require additional effort to be cross-platform.
However, most business applications --which is what this discussion is
about-- require little to no additional effort. Further, it doesn't require
the use of an abstraction layer. Although, in the case of Java you have an
abstraction layer in the form of a JVM.

> If you're a Mac developer, then sure you care about cross-platform
> portability 'cause if you develop just for a Mac then you have a pretty
> small potential install base.  But if you're a Windows developer, writing
> for cross-platform portability does not substantially increase your
> install
> base.  And certainly not when PrimalScript was first written in 1998 and
> doubly-not since it was first written as an editor for VBScript and ASP.
Have you looked at the numbers for how many developers are not using
Windows? The number is quite large and according to the research will be
passing 20% soon enough. The only way a company could justify avoiding
numbers like that is if they had a substantial investment in a single
platform like is the case with PrimalScript and HomeSite. Of course, as the
number of non-Windows developers increases it will be harder and harder to

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