I have a form that resides on an SSL site.  It submits to another SSL page and after inserting the data into our SQL Server db (via cfstoredproc), it does a cfcontent to display a pdf, using the following:

<cfset variables.pdf_to_display = Request.fileRoot & "\" & variables.filepath & "\" & variables.filename>
<cfcontent type="application/pdf" deletefile="no" file="#variables.pdf_to_display#">

In Mozilla, this works great.  In IE, the user just gets a blank white screen, rather than the PDF.  

I've seen various postings on google groups, etc. regarding this, but no solution suggested (besides modifying a setting in IE, which is really not feasible for a public Web site).  Does anyone know if there is a solution, or whether this is just a known issue?

I could redirect users to a non-ssl page after the form submission, but then the user gets a security prompt...  I'm not sure there's a great solution here, so if anyone has any ideas I'd greatly appreciate it.


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