Hi Barney,

Thanks for the suggestion.  When I do that, then the user is prompted to open or save the file (and opening doesn't work - at least from IE), as opposed to simply using the acrobat plugin to open the file in the user's browser.

I'd like it to function just like linking to a PDF would.



>Throw a CFHEADER tag in there:
><cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="attachment;
>filename=#variables.filename#" />
><cfcontent file="#variables.pdf_to_display#" type="application/pdf"
>deletefile="false" reset="true" /><cfabort />
>Not sure if that'll solve your problem, but that's how we always do
>it, and haven't ever had issues.
>On Mon, 26 Jul 2004 13:06:35 -0400, Evan Lavidor
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