> Sooner or later, backwards compatibility inhibits
> progress.  Macromedia
> will need to address the BC issue or others will
> NewAtlanta has an
> advantage, here because they do not (necessarily) need to
> worry about
> protecting  an install base of older versions.

> One way this has been done, historically, with other
> products, is to
> support both new implementations and prior implementations
> with
> compiler/interpreter directives -- somthing like:

> <cfcompatible version="cf5.0">
>     *
>     *
>     *
> </cfcompatible>

> My first impression is that this is ugly & kludgey.

> On reflection, though this is exactly the way that they
> added scripting with <cfscript>...</cfscript>

Say what? cfscript has no attributes...


s. isaac dealey     954.927.5117
new epoch : isn't it time for a change?

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