I'd recommend using the request scope, rather than the session scope.
A breadcrumb display is not bound to a user session in any way, it's
strictly related to the current request.

Joe's suggestion to use the custom tag framework that CF provides is
superior even to that, because it allows multiple invocations of the
tag on a single request to remain totally independant, but that's
probably not much of an issue with breadcrumb generation.


On Tue, 24 Aug 2004 17:24:01 -0400, Anne Girardeau <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey Joe,
> Thanks for your input.  Actually I figured something out using session variables and it works amazingly well. The performance of it also isn't too terrible since the most the script should ever recurse would be 5 or 6 times, if that.
> I am, however, intrigued by your comment about having the database track its own hierarchy.  I tried creating new columns for generation and parent root but got stuck when I was trying to get the path for a 3rd generation crumb with several 2nd generation crumbs that shared the same root, if that makes any sense.  In other words, I could get the first and last breadcrumbs without problems but getting the second was a bit difficult without something to tell the system which second generation crumb to use.
> The other option you suggested I did play around with but was never able to totally figure it out.  I'm assuming it's intended to be utilized in a CF script and I don't have too much experience with CF scripting.
> Thanks for your help,
> --Anne

Barney Boisvert
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