Ohh many things i could add here.. but want to finish before nightfall!

1) Have you seen Aura (used by FarCry?) That is CSS and what have you.
2) Output content in XML and then apply a stylesheet to it?
3) Assetmanagement for images and documents and flash etc
4) Search engine
5) EASY type creation.. I created a CMS that you define types using
XML as the markup. that just said what form elements made up your
content item.. I then used .cfm display methods (as they are a bit
more dynamic than XSLT transforms)
6) link management and short links
7) multilingual .. how you do this on an item or page is up to you
8) ability to change site sturcture, add remove items easily
9) Publishing to static HTML if required (like blogger) both local and via FTP
10) Emailable updates (I send an email to a special email account to
add content)

thats a start :)


Mark Drew

On Sat, 18 Sep 2004 00:23:27 +1000, Mike Kear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm currently doing a spec for a new CMS I'm building for my own use.
> (I'll think about making it available commercially later).
> I'm making it for CFMX, and all the presentation stuff is going to be
> in CSS.    The CMS will output valid XHTML and because no layout code
> wiill be in the output from the CMS,  the look of hte site will
> entirely be in the CSS Style sheets (see the Zen Garden project to get
> an idea of what you can do with  CSS!  http://www.csszengarden.com/ )
> Can I pick the collective brain of this list again for a wish list
> while I'm building the specs ...
> What features do you wish were in the CMS you're using or have looked
> at, that arent there now?
> What things are in the CMS you use, that you never use and think are a
> waste of time?
> --
> Cheers
> Mike Kear
> Windsor, NSW, Australia
> AFP Webworks
> http://afpwebworks.com
> .com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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