My case for creating one is this ....

I want to understand intimately the workings of one.  Every time in
the past i've tried to get into the inner workings of an application,
I've ended up saying "to hell with it, I can make one myself".  It's
not a lower cost way ot doing it, definitely,  but I want to do my
own, because it's a mountain I want to climb.

whenever I look at the insides of a CMS, there's heaps I dont
understand.. Why did htey do that?  what is that field in the database
for?   why did they do it that way around?   So in order to fully
understand the issues i'm building my own.

For example,  there are half a dozen ways to control the display of
approved and non-approved content, and to make sure that a rollback is
always possible and an audit trail is there for changes.   It took me
ages to figure out how the first one i examined was working.   So I
set to and made my own.   Now I understand why that first one did it
they way they did, and understand how much better theirs was than my
own effort.

It's my way of learning.

I reckon CMS is the future for the next few years in web develoment,
and there are precious few ready for XHTML.  So there are
opportunities for me.

Thats my business case for doing it.

And aside from all that.  I wanna.

SO there!  <g>

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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