You Could always start with the Old Spectra OPen Source :-)



As starting points as these have the engines to build with



----- Original Message -----
From: Kola Oyedeji <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 15:49:11 +0100
Subject: RE: Content Management System (CMS) Wishlist


Most CMS systems I have come across have the same or similar
functionality so picking anyone off the shelf - commonspot, farcry,
ShadoMX should give you an idea of common functionality - one thing
which is still lacking in many of the cms systems I have come across is
*decent* support for multilingual content. I believe the latest version
of farcry may support this but I haven't played with it yet.

Oh yeh. and I would avoid re-inventing the wheel and look at existing
solutions unless you have a strong business case for creating one.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Kear [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 17 September 2004 15:23
To: CF-Talk
Subject: Content Management System (CMS) Wishlist

I'm currently doing a spec for a new CMS I'm building for my own use.
(I'll think about making it available commercially later).

I'm making it for CFMX, and all the presentation stuff is going to be
in CSS.    The CMS will output valid XHTML and because no layout code
wiill be in the output from the CMS,  the look of hte site will
entirely be in the CSS Style sheets (see the Zen Garden project to get
an idea of what you can do with  CSS! )

Can I pick the collective brain of this list again for a wish list
while I'm building the specs ...

What features do you wish were in the CMS you're using or have looked
at, that arent there now?

What things are in the CMS you use, that you never use and think are a
waste of time?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia
AFP Webworks
.com,.net,.org domains from AUD$20/Year
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