
> Java invoking a system DLL? No please. It sounds more like a recipe for
disaster to me.

Have you checked how many DLLs are in a Windows install of CFMX?

By my count its in the region of 180...

> I'm sure some of my fears come from my experiences.

I guess if you aren't writing the CFX tag and you don't have access to the
code then it's down to a case of trust that the developer has done their
homework and got their code stable and thoroughly tested. 

Believe me, I have had more than my fair share of 5 am mornings tracking
down random Access Violations in my tags in the past when my experience with
writing CFX tags was less than complete. Thankfully, those days are gone and
I can have a stable skeletal CFX tag project ready for business logic in
under 5 minutes..

Although I write and sell CFX tags, I can understand that there would be an
amount of apprehension about running other peoples code on your servers as I
do to... I only have a couple of tags that aren't mine running as CFX tags
and they are from well known authors who are on this list so I know that if
something was wrong, I'd get support...

Personally, I don't go writing CFX tags for any reason but sometimes there
are very good reasons for them and even now, very good reasons for them to
be C++/Delphi rather than Java.... Unicode-1-1-utf-7 support is one good
reason that CFPOP and Java based replacements are problematic and there are
many others reasons why choosing C++ is the right choice "some of the time".
On the other hand Java is the right choice for CFX tags if you don't need to
hit the metal or you don't need native API support etc.

> Early CFMX had some trouble with stability with c++ tags

I agree, updater 3 seemed to fix most of these problems and MX6.1 has never
let me down using C++ tags...

> very, _very_ thoroughly tested it. 

Even with all my testing, I'll admit, bugs (hopefully only minor ones) still
creep in. You only have to look at the change logs in the documentation for
my tags to see that. This is true of any code in any language by any
developer though. What matters at this point is the type of support you get
from the developer. Again looking at the same change logs, they show you how
diligent I am about getting my tags right (and about updating them as
quickly as possible).

What I keep in mind when I write my CFX tags is that I don't want to
unnecessarily bring down my uptime stats by having a dodgy CFX tag kill my

> Java CFX tags are different. They're basically just another class in a
classpath, that gets invoked with a tag. Native Java running on native Java
sounds a lot safer to me.

I can show you bad and unstable Java if you want! There's plenty of it
around.... There's plenty of bad code in any language... This I guess is my
main theme in this thread....

> And feel free to blast me for my bias :) I don't mind.

I wouldn't do such a thing... At the end of the day, C++ is better at some
tasks, Java is better at others, Delphi is better at others again... I use
all of them although Delphi and Java are the two I use most. I'm not biased
towards any language, I just think the comment 'steer clear of C++ CFX tags'
is a little unfair...


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